TDB support M/s Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for IMRT/IGRT based Treatment Planning System (TPS) for 6MV Medical LINAC - Technology Development Board | Department of Science & Technology

TDB support M/s Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for IMRT/IGRT based Treatment Planning System (TPS) for 6MV Medical LINAC

Technology Development Board has entered into an agreement on 12th March, 2018 with M/s Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for financial assistance for the project “Commercialization & Development of IMRT/IGRT based Treatment Planning System (TPS) for 6MV Medical LINAC”.

The present project envisages development of IMRT/IGRT based Treatment Planning System (TPS) for 6 MV Medical LINAC and its commercialisation for making the cancer treatment cost effective and affordable to the common man. The Software being developed works as assisting device for beam delivery with unique contouring solution to improve the productivity and streamline the process of planning and treatment.

The project is to be implemented by the Indian company M/s Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore jointly with French Company DOSIsoft SA, Cachan, France, under TDB’s Bilateral Programme with Bpifrance, managed by CEFIPRA. DOSIsoft will develop the TPS for the radiation treatment and its validation after development will be done jointly along with Panacea.

Exchanging the Loan Agreement with M/s Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

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