Project Monitoring Committee (PMC)’s second site-visit to review the progress of the project on "Development of an affordable connected Heamodialysis Machine for rural Public Health Centres" - Technology Development Board | Department of Science & Technology

Project Monitoring Committee (PMC)’s second site-visit to review the progress of the project on “Development of an affordable connected Heamodialysis Machine for rural Public Health Centres”

The Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) visited the company’s premises on 9 th and 10 th June, 2018 to review the progress of the project entitled “Development of an affordable connected Hemodialysis Machine for rural Public Health Centres” being implemented by M/s Renalyx Health Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore through TDB’s soft loan.

The project proposal envisages for building a total system for early detection of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)through a hemodialysis machine under brand name of Renalife. Renalife is an Internet-connected machine and can be configured in two ways in an atypical dialysis center. The first one as a standalone dialysis machine and the other as a console in a
Centralized Dialysate Distribute System (CDDS).It has user’s friendly and Intuitive User Interface made available on an Android tablet. Real-time data of dialysis patient can be collected; send to a remotely located computer and can be accessed by a remotely located nephrologist. This connectivity enables the nephrologist to guide the dialysis technician from a remote location, to take appropriate action. In addition, based on the patient’s history, reminders for upcoming dialysis schedule and for medications, precautions, and dietary recommendations will be sent to the patient or the caregiver. All the products by Renalyx Health Systems are developed in-house.

The product has been developed by TDB’s soft loan and is in line with the “Make in India” initiative of GOI. The product is cost effective and affordable to rural people located in the remote area. Clinical trial data is promising and comparable to the Fresenius Hemodialysis machine, who is global player in this domain.

PMC found that the progress of the execution of the project is impressive, although there is a delay of 4 months in the completion of the project. PMC had the occasion to visit the site of manufacture of the components of Dialysis machine at M/s Vinayas Innovative Technologies (VIT) Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and observed that it has the requisite ability and facility to undertake the manufacture of Hemodialysis Machine as per the contract. PMC also visited the Dept. of Nephrology, JSS Medical College who undertakes the clinical trials of the machines. The PI of the clinical trial was satisfied with results of the trial.The hemodialysis machine will be ready for commercialization by the end of this year.

Glimpse of Technical and financial presentation at Renalyx, Bangalore.
Glimpse of Technical and financial presentation at Renalyx, Bangalore.

Glimpse of Technical and financial presentation at Renalyx, Bangalore.

Glimpse of PMC visit to M/s Vinayas Innovative Technologies (VIT) Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and inspection of requisite ability and facility for the manufacture of Hemodialysis Machine.
Glimpse of PMC visit to M/s Vinayas Innovative Technologies (VIT) Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and inspection of requisite ability and facility for the manufacture of Hemodialysis Machine.
Glimpse of PMC visit to M/s Vinayas Innovative Technologies (VIT) Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and inspection of requisite ability and facility for the manufacture of Hemodialysis Machine.
Glimpse of PMC visit to M/s Vinayas Innovative Technologies (VIT) Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and inspection of requisite ability and facility for the manufacture of Hemodialysis Machine.

Glimpse of PMC visit to M/s Vinayas Innovative Technologies (VIT) Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and inspection of requisite ability and facility for the manufacture of Hemodialysis Machine.

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