AWARD to SSI Unit 2010 - Technology Development Board | Department of Science & Technology

AWARD to SSI Unit 2010

Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore bagged the SSI Awards of Rs. 2 lakh for the successfully developing and commercializing BHABHATRON-II – Cobalt Teletherapy Unit with in built safety features for radiation treatment in Cancer Therapy, based on technology developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) meeting standards of IEC, AERB and as per Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.

BHABHATRON-II with safe and future ready Source Head Capacity up to 250 RMM (15000 curies) of Cobalt-60 is equipped with a real-time computerized control console with redundant power backup of eight hours for the entire unit ensuring uninterrupted treatment thereby making it affordable and suitable as import substitute especially for developing countries.

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