Sr. No. Title Date Recruitment Document
1 Notice / Advertisement for Empanelment of Advocates Corrigendum for advertisement of advocates 01-05-2024 tdb-advertisement_for_empanelment_of_advocates , tdb-corrigendum
2 Vacancy notice for the position of Senior Project Coordinator, Project Manager and Accounts manager 13-01-2024 vac-notice-project-manager-acct-manager-bilingual , vac-notice-bilingual-senior-project-coordinator-jan-2024
3 Corrigendum of vacancy notice for the position of Chartered Accountant 25-11-2023 corrigendum-pc-bilingual
4 Vacancy notice for the post/position of chartered accountant 25-11-2023 bilingua-vac-notice-ca-25-nov-2023
5 Vacancy Notice for the Post/Position of Section Officer 25-11-2023 vac-notice-so-bilingual-25-nov-2023
6 Corrigendum of Vacancy Notice for the position of PC in various In TDB 10-11-2023 Corrigendum-PC-Bilingual-1
7 Vacancy Notice for engagement of Project Coordinator in TDB 30-09-2023 bilingual-sep-2023
8 Vacancy Notice for Personal Assistant 19-08-2023 vacancy-notice-bilingual-pa-1
9 Vacancy Notice for Head International / Bilateral Collaboration Program 19-08-2023 vacancy-notice_bilingual-head
10 Vacancy Notice for Personal Assistant 19-08-2023 vacancy-notice-p-a-19-08-2023