
This Canada-India program aims to foster and support the development of collaborative R&D projects that bring together companies, research organizations, academics and other collaborators from both countries for the joint development of innovative products or processes in the following technology sectors:

  • Advancedmanufacturing, including smart factory and smart manufacturing, advanced materials, automotive manufacturing, robotics and automation, “Industry 0” enablers such as additive manufacturing, near net shape manufacturing, assistive robotics and process automation, and industrial IoT implementation
  • Clean technologies and green technologies, including water and waste watermanagement, smart grid and energy storage, battery-related technologies, renewable energy,smart cities, hydrogen technologies, waste management, waste- to-energy, electric vehicles, carbon capture, and energy storage
  • DiTDBl technologies, including artificial intelligence for industry, cyber security, smartvehicle, and smart cities
  • Health and bio-sciences, including pharmaceuticals, health informatics, diTDBlhealth, medical devices and mobile health
  • Foodand agriculture technologies, including crop development, food processing, soilirrigation and monitoring, precision agriculture, and supply chain optimization
  • Smart infrastructure, including artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT),geo-information systems, smart mobility, smart grids, and quantum technologies
About the Programme

Canada and India signed a bilateral “Agreement for Scientific and Technological

Cooperation” during November 18, 2005. The purpose of the Agreement is to encourage, develop and facilitate cooperative activities between the two countries in Science and Technology (S&T) for peaceful purposes in fields of common interest and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

Within the context of the Canada-India S&T Agreement, the two governments have created funding mechanisms through which companies (In India, R&D Organisations /Academia are eligible to join the project as Partner & get funding support and however In Canada, R&D Organisations/Academia can receive sub-contracting assignment from Canadian SME) may seek support for joint Canada-India research and development (R&D) projects and other activities intended to generate new or expanded research and technology-based partnerships between the two countries.

This Canada-India program aims to foster and support the development of collaborative R&D projects that bring together companies, research organizations, academics and other collaborators from both countries for the joint development of innovative products or processes. It aims to stimulate innovative R&D projects (In India, any size company are eligible however In Canada only SME are eligible for funding support) that address a specific market need or challenge; demonstrate high industrial relevance and commercial potential; and aim to deliver benefit to all participants, and more broadly, to both nations. These projects help participants to become more competitive by developing global research-based alliances with the potential to foster increased or expanded international R&D collaboration. Applicants are required to review the complete application guidelines before developing and submitting an application and associated documents.

These information and guidelines are specific to the Canada-India Collaborative Industrial Research and Development projects submitted under the current Request for Proposal. TDB and NRC-IRAP invite Indian and Canadian participants to submit proposals for collaborative industrial research and development projects.

About Funding and Implementation agency

Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India

The Department of Science & Technology (DST) of Government of India was established in May 1971, with the objective of promoting new areas of science & technology (S&T) and to play the role of a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country. The Department of Science & Technology has an important role in building a strong base for research, development and demonstration in India and in addressing national concerns about strengthening science and technology. DST, as a national agency for strengthening the base of science and technology in the country, has made a sincere attempt to address national concerns of India in basic research.

For more information about DST, please visit

Technology Development Board (TDB) is a statutory body established by the Government of India under Technology Development Board Act, 1995, to promote development and commercialization of indigenous technology and adaptation of imported technology for much wider application.

For more information about TDB, please visit

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC)

The National Research Council (NRC) is the Government of Canada's premier organization for research and development.

NRC partners with Canadian industry to take research impacts from the lab to the marketplace, where people can experience the benefits. This market-driven focus delivers innovation faster, enhances people's lives and addresses some of the world's most pressing problems. NRC is responsive, creative and uniquely placed to partner with Canadian industry, to invest in strategic R&D programming that will address critical issues for our future.

NRC’s vision is to be the most effective research and technology organization in the world, stimulating sustainable domestic prosperity. Its mission is to provide innovation support, strategic research, scientific and technical services to develop and deploy solutions to meet Canada's current and future industrial and societal needs.

For more information, please visit NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)

The Industrial Research Assistance Program is Canada's premier innovation assistance program for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

For over 60 years, NRC-IRAP has been stimulating wealth creation for Canada through technological innovation. This is largely accomplished by providing technology assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises at all stages of the innovation process, to build their

innovation capacity. NRC-IRAP helps small and medium-sized enterprises understand the technology issues and opportunities and provides linkages to the best expertise in Canada. For more information, please visit

Global Affairs Canada Trade Commissioner Service

As part of Global Affairs Canada, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service helps Canadian companies and organizations succeed globally.

Created in 1894, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) has more than 120 years of experience helping Canadian companies succeed in foreign markets by promoting the economic interests of Canada in the global marketplace

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service has trade offices across Canada and in 161 offices around the world. The TCS can provide Canadian businesses with on-the-ground intelligence, qualified contacts, partnership opportunities and practical advice on foreign markets to help make better, more timely and cost-effective decisions in order to achieve goals abroad.

For more information, please visit Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP)

CIIP fosters and supports Canadian companies’ industrial research and development projects with high potential for commercialization. CIIP is co-delivered by the Trade Commissioner Service of Global Affairs Canada and the

National Research Council of Canada - Industrial Research Assistance Program. For more information, please visit

Project Funding Support

Selected R&D project participants will receive funding from

  • Technology Development Board (TDB), on behalf of Department of Science &Technology (DST), Government of 
  • The Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP), which is co-delivered byGlobal Affairs Canada and the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).

Funds will be provided in accordance with the national laws, rules, regulations and procedures established by each organization, and/or each jurisdiction/country.

Funding for R&D Project Participants in India

TDB, on behalf of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, will fundthe successful projects, as follows:

  • DSTwill support up to INR 1.5 crore per project or 50% of the Indian Project Cost whichever islower as a Grant, for a maximum project period of 24 months.
  • Indian industry may receive up to 50% of their part of the eligible costs on a“Reimbursement Basis”, for costs already incurred on a proportionate 
  • Indian R&D organization/academic institution may receive up to 100% of theircosts (within applicable range specified above and as per proposal) on a reimbursement/advance 
  • Funding from other public sector sources will be taken into account when awardinggrant, andapplicants will be asked to declare funding from other sources in the 
Funding for R&D Project Participants in Canada

IRAP, on behalf of CIIP, will fund successful projects as follows:

  • IRAPwill reimburse selected Canadian SME project participants up to 50% of eligible projectcosts (to a maximum of $600,000 CAD) over 12 to 24 
Who Can Apply

Eligible Indian Applicants

An Indian company having requisite understanding and capability to undertake R&D activities.

  • TheIndian Project Lead (IPL) (i.e. lead company) must be a commercial (for profit) company underthe Indian Companies Act 1956/2013, which operates in and is headquartered in 
  • Atleast 51% stake of the INPL Company must be owned by Indian 
  • TheINPL should have the required expertise and team capacity to manage the proposed 
  • Soleproprietors, OPC and partnership firms are not eligible for support under this 
  • Companies headquartered and owned outside India and their subsidiaries in India, orvice versa,are not eligible to receive funding from DST under this programme.
  • INPLshould lead the project from Indian side and if required bring in other Industry Partners orAcademic/R&D Institutions as Consortium 
Eligible Canadian Applicants
  • The Canadian Project Lead (CPL) applicants must be a Canadian incorporated,profit-orientedsmall and medium-sized enterprise (SME), with 500 or fewer full-time equivalent employees;
  • Beready to collaborate with Indian partners on an industrial R&D project; and
  • Be pursuing growth and profit generation through the development andcommercialization ofinnovative, technology-driven, new or improved products, services, or 
Important Dates
Opening of the Request for Proposals/Competition17 April 2024
Closing of the Request for Proposals/Competition16 August 2024
Anticipated release date of Request For Proposal/Competition resultsJanuary 2025 (Tentative)

Important Note:

Please do not leave your submission to the last minute.

If any technical difficulties arise or if you identify any errors in your submission, we will not be able to grant an extension to the above deadlines.

It is your responsibility to ensure you follow the competition guidance rules and in doing so allow sufficient time to complete all of the competition requirements described in this document.

Types of project to be supported

Projects will be considered for program funding:

Full-Scale R&D Projects, focused on co-development of new products, processes or technologies, and/or validation of an innovative product, technologies demonstrating the advance level of innovation and higher commercialization potential.

The project must demonstrate:

  • Acomplementary technological contribution from each partner
  • Anobvious advantage and added value resulting from the cooperation between theparticipants
  • Abalanced contribution between project partners and countries (i.e. no more than 60% of theeffort contributed by any one partner or country)

Note: The project partners should agree in advance on the IP rights and on the commercialization strategy of the product or process.

Selection Criteria
  1. Projects must be innovative and market-driven, leading to the proposeddevelopment of a newproduct or process or new/improved services, leading to 
  2. Proposals must demonstrate the joint India-Canada project team’s capacity tomanage the proposed project in their respective  The industry partners in India must contribute at-least 50% of the total industry project cost of the Indian participants.
Project Cost Guidelines (applicable for Indian applicant)

What You Can Claim as Eligible Costs for the Project?

This document is intended for use with the RFP/Competition Guidance Document. It covers the following:

There are ranges of costs that can be supported as your eligible project costs.

The estimates of the costs that you use to complete the project cost must be the total costs for the project and will include costs for all activities and all participants that are involved in your section (part) of the project.

Please Note: Any revenue generation activities cannot be included as part of project costs. Only Research & Development related activities can be included as part of project costs.

Eligible Costs

For a cost within your project to be eligible for funding it must:

TDB pays your grant based on audited actual eligible costs. These costs must be incurred and paid between your project start and end dates.

  1. LabourCost

You may claim the labour costs of all individuals working directly on your project. You need to list the total man-days worked by all personnel working directly on your project and briefly

describe their role.

Your eligible labour costs will be on the basis of salary amounts actually incurred and paid. You therefore cannot include any form of in-kind/goodwill contribution by staff members or costs relating to profit related pay, dividends, shares, share options, royalties or similar remuneration methods.

The total number of working days per year for the organisation is based on full time working days per year less standard holiday allowance. Sick days, waiting time, training days and non-productive time are not eligible as part of the calculation.

Project Management cost:

The costs of project management by an Indian Project Lead (IPL) on behalf of the Indian consortium (IPL and collaborating R&D organisation/academic institution are eligible and should be included within your Labour calculation. In cases where your project management is sub-contracted, a strong case should be made for the necessity and benefits of this approach.

  1. Overheads

In every project, there are always some overheads. . These overheads, however, will be determined by the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC), on a case to case basis, at a flat rate (percentage) to the total project cost.

While determining the overhead flat rate (percentage), PEC will take into consideration the following:

  1. MaterialsConsumed

The costs of materials to be consumed directly on your project are eligible costs, providing that they are not already included in the overheads and purchased from third parties. If material has a residual/resale value at the end of your project, costs should be reduced accordingly.

If you are using materials supplied by associated companies or sub contracted from other consortium members then you are required to exclude the profit element of the value placed on that material - the materials should be charged at cost.

Software that you have purchased specifically for use during your project can be included in materials.

However, if you already own software which will be used in the project, or it is provided for usage within your consortium by a consortium member, only additional costs incurred & paid between the start and end of your project will be eligible. Examples of costs that may be eligible are those related to the preparation of disks, manuals, installation, training or customisation. Costs should be split between their component parts and allocated to the appropriate cost category.

  1. CapitalUsage

Capital usage refers to an asset utilised by your planned project, which has a useful life of more than one year, is stand-alone, distinct and moveable.

You should provide details of capital equipment and tools to be bought for your project.

  1. Sub-contracts,Consultancy Fees (including Fees for Trial and Testing)

Sub Contract costs relate to work carried out by third party organisations that are not part of your project or your collaborative group. You may sub contract work that is essential to the success of your project where the expertise does not exist in the collaborative group or where it would not be cost-effective to develop in-house skills for your project.

Sub contract services supplied by associated companies should exclude any profit element

and be charged at cost.

You should name the subcontractor (where known) and describe what the subcontractor will be doing and where the work will be undertaken. We will look at the size of this contribution when assessing eligibility and level of support.

  1. Traveland Subsistence

You should only include reasonable costs that are justified and will be incurred exclusively for the progression of the research project. Details and purpose for the expenditure, including number of staff attending, must be given. In case of Air-travel, economy class air- fare only will be supported under the programme.

International travel, strictly between India and counterpart country, may be supported on a case to case basis, as per the applicable norms of the Government of India.

  1. OtherCosts

Other Costs can be used for eligible costs which are not included in the above sections. Each type of cost that you include in this section should be described in the application form as to what it is, why it is eligible and so included in the costs of the project.

Examples may include:

Training Costs– These costs are eligible for support where they are specific to and necessary for your project. TDB may consider support for management training specific to your project but will not support ongoing training.

Preparation of Technical Report(s)– For example, where the main objective of your project is the support of standards or technology transfer. You should demonstrate how this report is above and beyond what would normally be produced through good project management.

Market Assessment– There is some scope for support of market assessments studies in order to more fully understand the applicability of your projects results to the intended market and to help steer your project towards exploitable ends.

Licensing in New Technologies – Exceptionally, TDB may consider support where it makes sense to do so, for example, to avoid “reinventing the wheel”. Where imported technology makes up a large part of your project then it will be expected that there is development of that technology as part of your project.

Patent filing costs for NEW IP generated by your project may only be allowable for MSMEs, which will be decided on a case to case basis. These should not include legal costs relating to the filing or trademark related expenditure as these are deemed to be marketing/exploitation costs. Regulatory compliance costs are eligible if necessary to carry out your project.

  1. Project Audit,Legal and Accounting Costs

The legal costs of setting up project or the collaboration and costs associated in conducting audits, accountant’s reports or making grant claims are ineligible.

  1. Contributionin Kind

Contributions in Kind (CiK) are goods or services provided free of charge by a party that is NOT a member of your consortium and not subject to the terms and conditions of an Offer Letter. They can be in the form of access to facilities, supply of materials, labour or expertise but must not include a profit element.

CiK costs must meet the usual eligibility criteria and must have been incurred and paid by the provider between the start and end of your project. Verification is normally done during the audit of your project through a CiK certificate provided by the contributing organisation. Contributions of this type should be shown with their value contributing to the total eligible

costs of the receiving partner. Grant can be claimed and adjusted to the extent of the value determined against such contributions, if goods or services under CiK are already included in the project proposal.

  1. CashTransfers

Cash transfers are not allowable except under exceptional circumstances with prior agreement. Where these are allowed, the transfers are cash neutral to the total eligible costs of your project. The donating partner should show the cash value in their costs as a positive value. The receiving partner should show an equal negative value in their costs.

Once your project commences, it will be necessary for the partners to invoice and transfer cash between them in order for this to be eligible.

  1. CashContributions

If a cash contribution is being made to your project from outside of your consortium, this should be shown as a negative value in the Costs worksheet, thus reducing the eligible costs for the receiving partner and reducing their grant application.

Non-Eligible Costs:

  • InputVAT, Excise Duty;
  • Interestcharges, bad debts, profits, advertising, entertaining;
  • Hirepurchase interest and any associated service charges;
  • Production, quality control/assurance, distribution, supply chain or selling costs oractivities;
  • Advertisingand marketing costs or activities;
  • Entertainmentand hospitality costs;
  • Profit earned by a subsidiary or by an associate undertaking work sub-contracted outunder your project;
  • Inflationand contingency allowances;
  • The value of existing assets such as IPR (not developed as part of this project), data,software programmes and other exploitable assets that any of the collaborators contribute towards your project;
  • Project audit or legal costs. The legal costs of setting up your project or thecollaboration and costs associated in conducting audits, accountant’s reports or making grant claims;
  • Sickdays, waiting time and non-productive time;
  • Bonuses, awards, profit related pay, company car expenses and any discretionarybenefits to 
  • Project auditfees

For further information,/clarification, please contact Mr Deepak Chaturvedi at indo-

Application Process

Assessment process

This RFP will follow a single stage process.

TDB and NRC-IRAP will initially screen all the applications received by the application deadline for completeness of information as per the RFP guidelines.

It is the responsibility of the Project Leads to ensure that all of the necessary information for the application has been gathered from Indian and Canadian partners and is uploaded or submitted prior to the application deadline. If there is specific information missing in an eligible application, TDB and NRC-IRAP may at their discretion contact the lead applicants requesting them to provide the missing information within a specified timescale.

TDB and NRC-IRAP will then compile a list of the complete project proposals received and share it with each other.

  • Proposals/applications where only one of the countries has submitted their part of theapplication will be deemed ineligible for the RFP and notified accordingly by their respective funding 
  • Proposals/applications which do not meet the basic/key criteria as outlined in theseguidelines will be excluded from the on-going RFP process, and they will be notified accordingly by their respective funding bodies.

The agreed list of complete proposals under the RFP will be shared between DST/TDB and NRC-IRAP/GAC. These proposals will then undergo assessment in their respective countries.

Evaluation and selection of R&D projects

To ensure the effective delivery of the RFP and reinforce the principles of bilateral partnership, TDB (for India) and NRC-IRAP (for Canada) will conduct parallel but independent evaluations of all applications based on the project criteria and eligibility and requirements specified in the RFP guidance, followed by a joint review. Together, the funding partners will make a joint recommendation on projects to be shortlisted for funding, based on the feedback and recommendations received from TDB (India) and NRC-IRAP (Canada) expert reviewers.

Evaluators in both countries will review the common application form and appendices (where required) along with associated supporting documentation (where appropriate).

Assessment Process in Canada

A CIIP panel comprised of NRC-IRAP innovation experts will evaluate the common Application Form of all the complete applications using the Joint Project Assessment Methodology. This step of the assessment includes:

  • Partnershipand partner analysis;
  • Projectstructure;
  • Technologyand innovation; and
  • Marketand 

Each successful applicant will be invited to submit an NRC-IRAP project proposal to their IRAP Lead ITA according to IRAP standard project development process and due diligence. The Lead ITA will assemble a team to assist the firm in accomplishing its project objectives as effectively as possible. Complexity of the technology and of the firm’s financial and legal structure, area of technology, challenges faced, potential markets, international goals, and size and scope of the project are just some of the factors the Lead ITA may use in determining the composition and size of the team. The team is there to support the firm’s needs, and some team members will be responsible for assessing the firm’s proposal. The project needs to be considered both from a business perspective and a technological perspective. The standard NRC-IRAP due diligence process assesses:

  • The business and management capabilities of the firm and the company's potential toachieve the expected results and outcomes associated with the proposed project;
  • The financial capabilities of the firm and its plan to commercialize the developedtechnologies; and
  • The technical aspects of the project and its potential impact on the firm.Assessment Process in India

An independent panel of experts, the Initial Evaluation Committee (ISC), will evaluate all the applications. The full proposal will be examined and reviewed by sectoral and financial experts. The Initial Evaluation Committee (ISC) meeting will be convened by TDB and Indian Project Applicants will be invited for presentation and discussion. The schedule/venue for the presentation will be communicated by TDB to the IPL in advance, along with a check–list of supporting documents to be produced. No travel/stay allowances will be paid/reimbursed to IPL for this purpose.

Joint Review

Following completion of the independent assessment processes described above in India and Canada, a joint review committee will be held, comprising representatives from the Indian and Canadian funding agencies. Final decisions on joint approvals will be made at that time. DST/TDB and NRC-IRAP/GAC will then together identify the final list of successful applicants. All funding organisations reserve the right to apply a portfolio approach across projects in different challenge areas, subject to applications reaching the required quality threshold. The final decisions on joint approvals will be made at that time.

TDB (India) and NRC-IRAP will communicate the final decision in writing (via e–mail/letter) to all the IPL and CPL applicants respectively.

Key Documents Required

In addition to submitting the Application Form and its appendices, the Indian Project Lead (IPL) will also be required to submit/upload the following:

  • Coveringletter
  • Completed Full Project Proposal in Application Form along with all annexures (signedand stamped by Authorised signatory)
  • Memorandumof Understanding (MoU) between Indian Project Partners
  • In case of in-house R&D Centres recognized by the Department of Scientific andIndustrial Research (DSIR), Government of India,Copy of DSIR registration/ recognition certificate. For details,please refer to
  • Copy of the company registration and land ownership/lease papers for the company
  • Copy of the Registration Certificate, issued by competent authority of all Indian Projectpartner(s).
  • Audited Annual Reports (including Income Tax Return, Balance Sheet, Profit & LossAccount & Auditor’s Reports) of all Indian partners for the last three Financial 
  • KnowYour Customer (KYC) documents of all Indian Project partner(s).
  • Appendix-F - Template IPL Presentation - PEC Meeting (Please download the drafttemplate from the RFP Page).
  • A brief semi-professional video about the proposed technology also highlighting theexisting capabilities, infrastructure of the applicants (optional).

The above list is indicative and TDB, in India, may seek additional documents/information from individual project applicants.

Apply Now